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Koloa Chiropractor Koloa Massage

About the Doctor

Dr. Leslie Pelletier

Doctor of Chiropractic (Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida-2012)

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (University of Central Florida- 2006)

Functional Medicine Practitioner (Functional Medicine University- 2015)

Dr. Pelletier has always envisioned helping people to enjoy maximum health and vitality, and becoming a doctor seemed the best way for her to impact the most people. She began her education at the University of Central Florida initially with the intention of becoming a medical doctor. After graduating, Dr. Pelletier realized her calling was to to take a more holistic and natural approach to health care.

Dr. Pelletier graduated Cum Laude from Palmer College in 2012, and is currently pursuing a diplomate in Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine. Her approach to health and wellness focuses on the latest evidence-based research in Chiropractic, Neurology, Functional Medicine and Nutrition, and she looks forward to sharing that with our community.

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